Friday, May 15, 2020

Comparison Of Aristotle And Galen s Theory Of Gender...

Over years there have been many cases and treatment that indicated to gender inequality. Gender inequality means unequal treatment and understanding based on their gender, or biological differences. The biological differences between man and women is that men born differently that women, and men have different sexual organs than women. Gender inequality includes treated women roughly, and have a picture that females are minimum that males. There are concepts in seventeenth century, Aristotle and Galen made many theory about gender. Aristotle’s theories described women are deformed men, and they are incomplete men. For example, Aristotle mentioned that men are excellent in every thin, and they are ruler. However, females are inferior and followers. In the same side, Galen’s concepts about women is as same as Aristotle. He describes women, and said women are colder and drier. In other side, men are hotter and wetter. Aristotle and Galen both agree that women are less perfect, and men are more perfect than women. As a result of that thoughts, there are many cases in the history of gender inequality. First of all, in many countries there were some laws that shows the inequalities between men and women, and these laws is for the rights of men. In particular, in Hammurabi 1792 to 1750s, who are in Mediterranean, or Western Asia, there were laws that shaped their society and culture, but it shows how men have rights, but women were not. For example, the law said â€Å"If a figure

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