Saturday, December 28, 2019

Sample of Argumentative Essay

Sample of Argumentative Essay Argumentative essay- what is it An argumentative essay is a type of thesis or composition where you have to present your view and attempt to convince others that your facts and arguments are correct. Your view should be backed up by a few examples, reasons and logics. Generally, argumentative essays are not similar to other types of essays. When you develop such an essay, you need to make your claims through your composition so that it will be open for debate. However, the content and the claims that you make in the essay must be valid. When you are structuring an argumentative essay, you are not supposed to position a fact as facts are undeniable. When you are writing something obvious which cÐ °nt be denied Ð °nywÐ °y, it means you have structured something definite with the aim of making it informative. However, such essay cannot be argued or debated as the facts are real. The thing you need to do in order to structure an argumentative essay is to establish a claim that is debatable. Your piece should declare and at the same time confirm something through different facts and statistics. It should be done in such a way that the entire work appears in a rational and logical manner. Make sure you haven’t put any personal preferences on the essay topics. You might like something, but others may not. So, biased information shouldn’t appear in your argumentative essay. On the contrary, it should create an urge among others to argue on the topic with different reasons pro and contra as well as with logic. Whatever the fact is, make sure that the essay is appealing and generate interest among the readers to take part in the debate.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Mary Magdalene s Place Of The Savior s Physical And...

Thus, the fear of lost control and power of the male hegemonic dominance, women have been ostracized, discriminated, and misunderstood; displacing them in a gloomy mansard. The most disconcerting thing is that women for centuries have been convincing themselves of that diabolical idea. It is true that there have been some glimmers of light that have been recognized by the patriarchal authority that governs the world. However, today women are not allowed to shine in all their splendor. This is precisely what I understand about Mary Magdalene’s place in the Savior’s physical and spiritual life. Her presences is vital in the transmission, guidance, understanding, and teaching of the Savior’s message. It is clear that jealousy and fear are†¦show more content†¦Therefore, in receiving the Savior’s mission, Peter’s ego is enhanced. For that reason, Peter sees in Mary Magdalene his adversary. The fact is that what Jesus is doing is giving Peter hi s own cure. Peter is challenged by Jesus on three grounds. First, in a theological ground because he has the divine responsibility to continuing with the Savior’s teaching about the Kingdom of God. Second, in a philosophical ground because it is not only repeat a story, but also reasoning about its meaning. Third, his personal ground because he has to face his internal enemies of jealousy, and the insecurity of facing the sense and sensibility of a woman. The humble the heart of a man is, the closest to God. This is the case of Mary Magdalene in this specific gospel. This is exactly one of the Savior’s teachings, to transform this kind of mentality while He was among them. The Savior starts with his own disciples. The Savior knows that this metamorphosis will take some time to develop in full bloom. Because HE knows it is a long journey, HE gives them two important commandments: â€Å"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all y our mind, and with all your strength. You shall love your neighbor as yourself† (Mark 12: 30-31). Hence, with these two commandments, the Savior gives Peter the antidote of his own illness. In other words, Peter is not responsible for being born under a patriarchal

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How has the English language changed over time free essay sample

Over time the English language has developed through three main stages; Old English, Middle English and Modern English. Old English is the earliest recorded stage of the English language and is very different to Modern English which we speak today. Native English speakers would find It very difficult trying to understand Old and Middle English. One of the main Influences In the change of the English language Is invasion. During the 5th century the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes Invaded Britain which all spoke similar languages, resulting In the Old English language. Before the Invasion people In Brltaln spoke a Celtic language. These people travelled north and west when the Invaders arrived. Then In 1066 William the Conqueror and the Normans, conquered England bringing a form of French language with them. This became the language of the Royal Court and generally the upper classes spoke French whilst the lower classes spoke English. We will write a custom essay sample on How has the English language changed over time? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This class dlvlslon continued on until the 14th century when English became the main language once gain. However the English language had been slightly adapted. The recent invasion and conquering gave a French influence and some French words had been added to the English language, therefore creating Middle English. Americanisms are terms or phrases that were original British Shakespearean terms which now are not common phrases in Britain but are still part of the language in America. An example of this is fall for autumn. Spanish has also influenced American English when they settled in the west. This therefore also influenced and changed British English. Due to Americas worldwide power a lot of English words are used in technology, music, television and cinema which is used all over the world. Another main cause to the English language changing over the years is down to technology. Due to a mass illiteracy Old and Middle English was a solely spoken language and was learnt by ear and through festivals. There was a lack of standardisation so a persons dialect or accent would influence the way someone else would hear their words. This was until 1440 when the invention of the printing press standardised English. This made books cheaper which meant more people were able to access them so more people learnt to read. Also most publishing houses were located in London so the dialect of London became the standard and spelling and grammar became fixed. Around 1500 the Great Vowel Shift begun, this led to a dramatic change in pronunciation; where vowels started to be pronounced shorter and shorter. From the 16th century Britain had contact with people from all over the world. This resulted In new words and phrases entering the English language. At one point the British Empire covered one quarter of the world so again foreign words were entered Into the language. Social networking plays a large part In technology and the way people communicate today. It Is easier for people to gain access Into other peoples lives from all over the world and from a whole variety of different cultures and see the words or phrases they use. This makes it easier for people to adopt another cultures language into Colloquialisms also help contribute to our ever changing language. No matter where you go in the world every place has its own certain slang words which can now due to social networking and the media can be taken all across the globe and vice versa. For example, television shows such as The Only Way is Essex is very popular all over the country and some slang words such as reem and Jel which originated from Essex are now spoken all over the country and is even in peoples every day language.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Judicial Activism in Pakistan free essay sample

On one hand judicial crises rekindled the popular aspirations towards rule of law, independent judiciary and undiluted democracy ensuring civilian supremacy. On the other hand the suspension of judiciary after November 3rd has led to the disillusionment of public from the cherished ideals that may help the country get rid of the decades of authoritarian traditions, autocratic rule and political decay. Given the chequered political scenario of Pakistan fraught with uncerertanities, the resoulotion of this crises may/would determine the future political dynamics of Pakistan. UNCEREMONIOUS REMOVAL OF CHIEF JUSTICE AND THE PUBLIC REACTION: 1. Government apprehensions concerning judicial activism: The judiciary under suspended Chief Justice had taken Judicial Activism to new height and tthis Judicial Activism was directed towards ensuring rule of law, expeditious provision of justice and checking state authoritarianism but this Judicial Activism ran counter with the presidents mode of governance which allowed more space to the intelligence agencies . We will write a custom essay sample on Judicial Activism in Pakistan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And the judiciary mood and posturing over these issues alarmed the government and arose its apprehensions about much important cases which were to be decided by judiciary that would determine the future issues. In anticipation of prospective judicial verdict against military removed the chief Justice which triggered the judicial crises. 2 . UNPRECEDENTED DEFIANCE OF CHIEF JUSTICE: Judiciary was notorious for a legitimizing role. The history of judiciary was full of its pliant role which had tarnished the image of judiciary. The defiance of chief of judiciary evoked unprecedented popular support. 3. ROLE OF MEDIA: Another factor which further encouraged the judiciary attracted deflected popular attention towards this crises was the coverage of print and electronic media which paved the public opinion in favor of Chief Justice. 4. GOVERNMENTS MISHANDLING OF THIS WHOLE AFFAIR: The most important cause behind the judicial crises was government s mishandling of this issue. It dated back on filing of reference against on flimsy grounds. The irresponsible statement given by state ministers and government functionaries to governments fatal blunder in judging judiciarys response. This led to the deterioration of government . The situation was made even worse by the disharmony among the stances of state ministers. SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS BETWEEN MARCH 9 AND JULY 20: 1. Chief Justice Defiance: The manner in which he was pressurized and kept in General Headquaters for 9 hours and didnt sighned the letter of resignation gained support of lawyer, , civil society and judges. 2. Support of lawyers and judges : Judges resigned in protest their commitment to judiciary stance. 3. Involvement of civil society activists:Civil society found a new role and provided a historic role to check highhandedness of state further awakened by media. 4. Popular Campaighn: Enthusiastic support of public further emboldened civil society to stick to his defiant stance and public opinion in favor of Chief Justice has great impact on judicial decison in favour of civil society. FACTORS INFLUENCING SUPREME COURTS VERDICT IN FAVOUR OF JUDICIARY: Public opinion has the force to change laws and decision. Another important factor in influencing the decision of judciary was the image factor . Unprecedented response to the Chief Justice pressurized the supreme judicial court to give a verdict to save its image. Judiciary found it more appropriate to sign with Chief Justices stance. ENSURING CONFRONTATION BETWEEN JUDICIARY AND GOVERNMENT: Another unfortunate turn was ensuring confrontation betwen judiciary and government. e. g governement failed